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🚀 The Player

The player

The Player Children Nodes

The Player has 2 children nodes, the Engine, which is a particle system, and the Ship which is a sprite. I've found that in many tutorials the player node contains the sprite component, but I think it's better to use a sprite as a child of a node, so you can add other components (sprite or particles) to the player node.

├─ Engine
└─ Ship


The particle system in Cocos Creator is not bad, but it's not as good as the one in Unity. I've made a small investment and bought the ParticleDesigner app, it's really good and it's worth the money.

The Components

The Player Node has 9 components, 3 of them are built-in components, the others are custom scripts. We will see them one by one.

├─ cc.UITransform
├─ cc.CircleCollider2D
├─ cc.RigidBody2D
├─ Player.ts
├─ PlayerInput.ts
├─ Health.ts
├─ DamageDealer.ts
├─ Shooter.ts
└─ FireHomingMissile.ts

The built-in Components

cc.UITransform is a built-in component that allows you to position the node in the UI. It's not necessary for the player, but it's useful to see the position of the node in the editor. cc.CircleCollider2D is a built-in component that allows you to add a circle collider to the node. A circle in this case is better to handle the shape of the ship. cc.RigidBody2D is a built-in component that allows you to add a rigid body to the node, as there's no physic involved in this game we use it only to detect collisions and to assign the node to the matrix collision group.

The Player component

The Player.ts script handles the player position, it respects the boundaries of the parent node with the math.clamp utility. the move method is called in the update method and it takes into account both deltatime (why?) and movespeed variables. It exposes also the onMove and onFire methods that are called by the PlayerInput.ts script.

The PlayerInput component

The PlayerInput.ts script handles the player input, it's a very simple script that uses the input.on method for events KEY_DOWN, KEY_DOWN and GAMEPAD_INPUT. When the event occurs it calls the onMove or onFire methods of the Player.ts class. It handles also the dead zone of the gamepad to avoid drift.

The Health component

The Health.ts script handles the health of the player or of the enemies. It handles multiple things, let me explain them one by one:

  • It uses the boxCollider of the node to know when the player is hit by something (a projectile or an enemy for the player), when this event occurs it calls the onBeginContact method to get the damageDealer (DamageDealer.ts) component from the other collider, and subtracts the damage value of the latter from the health property. If the health is less than half it plays the smoke effect, if is less or 0 it destroys the node with the die method.
  • It handles the smoking, hit, and explosion particle effect, it instantiates them (they are prefabs) and plays them when needed.
  • It handles the player health property with some methods, like getHealth, setHealth, fillHealth.
  • It calls the camera shake method when the player is hit.
  • It adds the score when the node has the Score component (the enemies have it).

It is very important to set the collision matrix to avoid the player to collide with his projectiles and the same for the enemies. You can set it in Cocos Creator Preferences collision matrix.

The Collision Matrix


For some reason the destroy method is asynchronous and it can be called on an already destroyed node, even if you check if is valid it can fail. The solution is to use the next loop with a setTimeout set to 0 to avoid this problem.

The DamageDealer component

The DamageDealer.ts script handles the damage of the player or the enemies. It's a very simple script that exposes the damage property with getDamage method. It has also the hit method that is called for the bullets (they don't have any health and just get destroyed after collision).

The Shooter component

The Shooter.ts script, like the Health.ts script, is used by the player and the enemies. It handles the shooting, it instantiates a Projectile prefab. Every enemy has a different shooting pattern, so the Shooter.ts script is used to handle the shooting of the player and the enemies. An enemy can have a different firing rate and different kinds of projectiles.

The FireHomingMissile component

The FireHomingMissile.ts handles the homing missile, it just instantiates the missile prefab, all the missile logic is in the prefab itself. The code is not mine, I've just followed this tutorial.


You can find a lot of useful scripts in the Unity communities, you can often rewrite Unity code for Cocos Creator, they have very similar APIs.